Contact Jeffrey Rose, CMH, Nutritionist & Sleep Specialist Today
Contact Jeffrey Rose for More Information
Jeff your hypnosis program has helped me so much with my public speaking phobia! I used to freeze up and not be able to finish any speaking engagements! Now I’m so much more confident and have no issues regardless how big the audience! Thank you so much!

“Every year, more and more people reduce their weight, quit smoking, alleviate stress, eliminate fears and get rid of phobias and bad habits through hypnosis. Advanced Hypnosis Center’s Jeffrey Rose, New York City’s leading doctor-referred hypnotherapist, specializes in the use of hypnosis to help people identify old, ineffective patterns and replace them with healthier habits and enhance self-image & self-confidence.” PROMENADE, 2003
Welcome to Advanced Hypnosis Center on the Upper East Side in Manhattan as well as Rockland and Westchester County, NY, where we use the powerful tool of hypnosis to help you achieve your goals.
Welcome to Advanced Hypnosis Center servicing Westchester, NY
Our mission here at the Advanced Hypnosis Center is to help you resolve your particular challenge more quickly and easily than you ever thought possible. We work with individuals and groups to help motivate you to take optimal charge of your health and life. We do so by offering a wide range of programs to meet your specific goals.
We take a holistic approach, because we believe that body and mind is a unity that cannot be broken up into parts. With the expert advice of our NYC hypnotherapist, nutritionist, addiction recovery coach and sleep specialist, we are able to help you create the permanent positive changes you desire on all levels and in all areas of your life very effectively and naturally.
We will guide and motivate you to adopt healthier habits along the way, which we feel is essential to make your body and mind function at their highest level.
We will provide you with the knowledge and skills to make healthier choices as you go through life. This will include the very latest from our ongoing research in the areas of nutrition, exercise and sleep hygiene. This material will be a permanent resource for you that will lead to a much more healthy and satisfying life.
Through the guidance of your NYC hypnotist at the Advanced Hypnosis Center, you are going to have your personal challenge easily resolved, and find yourself making better nutritional choices, getting more health-promoting exercise and experiencing deeper, more restorative sleep….you will be propelled along a new, healthier, more fulfilling path in life.
We can conduct our NYC hypnotherapy sessions at our Upper East Side hypnosis center in Manhattan or at our Westchester County hypnosis center in New City in English or Spanish
2. How many sessions will I need? It depends on the challenge you are seeking help for. Although our Smoking Cessation Program encompasses only one session. Our other programs typically include a first session that typically lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes. We recommend having a 1 hour reinforcement session about 10 days later. Any future desired sessions are 45 minutes long.
3. What forms of payment are accepted? We accept checks, cash and all major credit cards
4. What should I know about Skype sessions? Skype hypnosis sessions function in the same way as office visits, except for that they can be done remotely.
5. How do I schedule a hypnotherapy session? The fastest and easiest way to make appointments is simply to visit our Contact Us page and fill out the form or call our NYC hypnotherapy office at 212.585.4430. You will then be emailed our confidential questionnaires to answer.
Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis
1. What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness where amazing changes can be made in the way a person thinks. Hypnosis is a completely natural path from conscious mind to subconscious mind. It can be defined as the bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind and the establishment of acceptable selective thinking. Hypnosis is the process of going into the state of mind called a trance. Being in a trance is a very natural state of the mind which people experience regularly during their day to day life. When you are engrossed in reading a book and forget about everything else around you and any things that are presently going on in your life, you are in a trance. This can also happen at a live performance or at a movie. Even at work when you find yourself losing track of all that is going on around you and begin daydreaming, you are in a trance.
2. How does it work? Hypnosis relaxes the conscious mind and opens the subconscious mind to the point that suggestions can be accepted. Once the suggestion is accepted and agreed on by the client hypnotized, the suggestion then becomes rock solid, in that client’s belief system. Your New York City hypnotherapist has the skill to guide you into this state of mind and once you are in this state of mind your subconscious has the ability to incorporate new beliefs and ways to look at things. Then your conscious mind will be influenced to act upon these new thoughts within your subconscious mind.
3. Who can be hypnotized? Everyone can be hypnotized.
4. Can a person in hypnosis be controlled? No, a hypnotherapist is here to help you with your issues and needs your cooperation with the process. If your hypnotherapist were to give you suggestions that you didn’t agree with or were morally against your beliefs, you would either refuse them or you would stand right up and walk out of that session. When you are hypnotized you will actually hear and see everything very clearly.
5. Can a person be stuck in hypnosis? It’s impossible to be stuck in hypnosis. When you are in a state of hypnosis, anything alarming or of importance would pop you right out of this state.
4. How do long do the results of a session last? When you go into a hypnotherapy session and get the results you want, those results you want, those results are with you for life.
Watch Westchester Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose Explain Hypnosis
Leading NYC Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose, CMH

Popular Hypnosis Programs
Jeffrey Rose in the News – Watch his Videos to learn more about Hypnosis
Jeffrey Rose, in the News
Westchester New York Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose can help you overcome many of today’s life challenges through hypnotherapy. Many people in the Westchester New York area are looking for help with weight loss, overcoming fears and much more.
Hypnotherapy can also help people to quit smoking or sleep better. People tend to find that once they start to make positive changes in one part of their life, that others follow. This is only one of the many reasons people come to see Westchester New York hypnotherapist Jeffrey Rose at Westchester hypnosis center.
Jeffrey Rose, in the News
Westchester New York Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose can help you overcome many of today’s life challenges through hypnotherapy. Many people in the Manhattan area are looking for help with weight loss, overcoming fears and much more. And now we can help you in Westchester County as well!
Hypnotherapy can also help people to quit smoking or sleep better. People tend to find that once they start to make positive changes in one part of their life, that others follow. This is only one of the many reasons people come to see Westchester New York hypnotherapist Jeffrey Rose at Westchester hypnosis center.
Jeffrey Rose, in the News
Jeffrey Rose, Clinical Hypnotist, Nutritionist and Sleep Specialist from the Advanced Hypnosis Center is interviewed on the Dr. Steve Show about using hypnosis for insomnia. January 2012
Insomnia and sleep trouble can plague people for weeks, months or even years. If you have trouble getting to sleep at night or waking restfully then perhaps some small changes in your lifestyle can make a profound difference, but how to make that change? Hypnosis can be the answer. When you use hypnosis for insomnia or sleep challenges it can help calm and relax your mind before bedtime, making it easier to fall asleep.
Welcome to Advanced Hypnosis Center Servicing Westchester County, NY
Welcome to the Advanced Hypnosis Center of Westchester New York, now serving all of Westchester, Rockland County and NYC. From our Manhattan and Rockland office we offer hypnosis sessions Monday through Saturday and offer a house call service for those who can not visit our offices. Our hypnosis session can cover a wide range of personal challenges from weight loss to anxiety and many more. We welcome you to read through our website to find out how we can help you.
“Every year, more and more people reduce their weight, quit smoking, alleviate stress, eliminate fears and get rid of phobias and bad habits through hypnosis. Advanced Hypnosis Center’s Jeffrey Rose, Westchester New York’s leading doctor-referred hypnotherapist, specializes in the use of hypnosis to help people identify old, ineffective patterns and replace them with healthier habits and enhance self-image & self-confidence.” PROMENADE, 2003
Jeff your hypnosis program has helped me so much with my public speaking phobia! I used to freeze up and not be able to finish any speaking engagements! Now I’m so much more confident and have no issues regardless how big the audience! Thank you so much!
Leading Westchester New York Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose, CMH

Contact Jeffrey Rose for More Information
Jeff your hypnosis program has helped me so much with my public speaking phobia! I used to freeze up and not be able to finish any speaking engagements! Now I’m so much more confident and have no issues regardless how big the audience! Thank you so much!

Popular Hypnosis Programs
Watch Westchester Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose Explain Hypnosis
Additional Hypnosis Programs
Learn more about hypnosis by Jeffrey Rose, CMH, Nutritionist & Sleep Specialist
Westchester New York Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose has appeared on many national news programs and segments surrounding the health issues hypnosis treats, like weight loss, quitting smoking, overcoming insomnia and much more. Many think about hypnosis when to make those changes, but there are plenty of challenges that hypnosis can be used for.
Some seek help with fears and phobias like stage freight or public speaking. While others want to overcome a fear like flying that has trapped them for too many years. In the clip here on the Veria Living’s Got Zen? Episode “Using Zen to Battle Your Fears” Westchester County, Westchester New York hypnotist Jeffrey Rose hypnotizes host Bex Borucki to conquer her fear.
Articles Written for Recover Magazine by Jeffrey Rose, CMH & Nutritionist
Westchester New York Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose can help you overcome many of today’s life challenges through hypnotherapy. Many people in the Manhattan area are looking for help with weight loss, overcoming fears and much more. And now we can help you in Westchester County as well!
Hypnotherapy can also help people to quit smoking or sleep better. People tend to find that once they start to make positive changes in one part of their life, that others follow. This is only one of the many reasons people come to see Westchester New York hypnotherapist Jeffrey Rose at Manhattan hypnosis center on the Upper East Side.

I Tried Hypnotherapy to Calm My Anxiety—Here’s What It’s Like
By Kate Sztabnik, BYRDIE
I turned to hypnotherapy because I had reached a new level of generalized anxiety. I dwelled on the past and had trouble breaking old habits.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
Exercise and Recovery”
From RECOVER Magazine by Jeffrey Rose, Westchester New York Hypnotherapist and Nutritionist
The importance that exercise plays in the health of the individual is now universally recognized. Everyone should be incorporating exercise into their life as a regular part of their life routine.
“Sleep Hygiene for Health”
From RECOVER Magazine by Jeffrey Rose, Westchester New York Hypnotherapist and Sleep Specialist
Sleep for better health is important for everyone. With knowledge of proper sleep hygiene, new behaviors and habits can be incorporated in your life that promote, rather than disrupt, a healthy sleeping pattern.
Smoking, Nicotine & Addiction
From RECOVER Magazine by Jeffrey Rose, Westchester New York Hypnotherapist and Addiction Recovery Coach
Let’s get this out of the way, smoking and nicotine addiction are very bad for one’s health, but you know this. However knowing this and taking it to heart produce different reactions. The use of tobacco and its resulting nicotine addiction is responsible for killing more than 430,000 people each year in the United States
“Hypnotherapy & Recovery”
From RECOVER Magazine by Jeffrey Rose, Clinical Hypnotist and Addiction Recovery Coach
Hypnotherapy can be a valuable adjunct resource for anyone in a program of recovery from a chemical addiction. To understand why this is you must understand the true nature of a chemical dependency and what nature intended.
“Omega-3s for Health”
From RECOVER Magazine By Jeffrey Rose, Westchester New York Hypnotherapist and Nutritionist
It is now in general accepted that individuals who take drugs may actually be self-medicating themselves. Rather than just being an addiction to the pleasure drugs give them, drugs are even more important to the individual as a mood-altering method of feeling better than they felt before.
“Caffeine, Health, Recovery”
From RECOVER Magazine By Jeffrey Rose, Westchester New York Hypnotherapist and Nutritionist
Even though ingesting caffeine in coffee and sodas, and other beverages is presently socially acceptable, it is actually a very addictive and harmful drug. It has many serious adverse effects, and those desiring to live a more healthy life should avoid it.
“Dealing with Stress”
From RECOVER Magazine By Jeffrey Rose, Westchester New York Hypnotherapist and Nutritionist
Unhealthy levels of stress have become an unfortunate part of the modern life most people are living today. A desire to alleviate it has led many people to pursue ways of dealing with stress that are unhealthy.
“Sugar and Health”
From RECOVER Magazine by Jeffrey Rose, Westchester New York Hypnotherapist & Nutritionist
The consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates in the American diet is very high. Sugar and refined carbohydrates create ill health in a multitude of ways, affecting insulin secretion and its efficiency, glucagon’s role in the body, obesity, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and mental health.
Learn more about hypnosis by Jeffrey Rose, CMH , Nutritionist & Sleep Specialist
Contact Jeffrey Rose, CMH, Nutritionist & Sleep Specialist Today
Contact Jeffrey Rose for More Information
Jeff your hypnosis program has helped me so much with my public speaking phobia! I used to freeze up and not be able to finish any speaking engagements! Now I’m so much more confident and have no issues regardless how big the audience! Thank you so much!
Advanced Hypnosis Center’s Session Protocol
As a part of our hypnosis session protocol, prior to your hypnosis session you will be asked to answer our Confidential Questionnaires. We ask you to fill these out in advance so that you and your hypnotist can be well prepared for your first hypnotherapy session. Gathering information with our Intake Form, Making Changes and our Primary Sensory Mode Test not only helps us prepare for a productive session, but is also of great value to you. As you respond to our questions, you will have a more thorough understanding of the challenge that you have been dealing with and can begin the process of change even before your appointment.
Hypnosis session in Westchester
To ensure optimal success, we take a holistic approach to helping all of our clients and ask you to be prepared to make serious changes in your lifestyle. Therefore, we will want to know, if you going through life dehydrated, deficient in sleep, deficient in exercise, deficient in vital nutrients and if you are overindulging in relaxants or stimulants that may be acting as an impediment to achieving your goals.
Your first hypnosis session will be for one hour and 45 minutes. A reinforcement session typically lasts an hour and any additional booster sessions desired will last forty-five minutes.
Upon your arrival, you will find a comfortable and professional office. (We provide special privacy arrangements for our celebrity clients, if requested.) You will begin your session promptly, with little or no wait time.
Prior to experiencing the profoundly relaxed state of hypnotic trance, your personal hypnotist will go over your Confidential Questionnaires with you and gather additional relevant information. This thoughtful and thorough talk with you will help your hypnotherapist discover any impediments that might have hindered you from achieving your goals in the past and living the life you really want. During this conversation your hypnotist will also explain how hypnosis works and answer any questions you may have about the whole process. At the end of the conversation your personal hypnotist will be able to use his/her extensive experience and flexibility to tailor the hypnosis to your particular personality, lifestyle and needs.
Unlike some cold, authoritarian individuals you may have interacted within the medical profession in your life, you will find our clinical hypnotists Jeffrey Rose and Elena Mosaner to be highly warm, compassionate people, people with whom you will feel completely comfortable and confident with.
After your conversation with our clinical hypnotists you will gently be guided into a relaxing comfortable trance, where you are more suggestible. While in this state of suggestibility, you can come out of it anytime you wish to resume regular consciousness, but you will find that you want to stay in this stress-free, peaceful state. You will consciously hear what the hypnotist is saying and can accept or reject any of the positive suggestions he or she will be making to you. With the empathetic guidance of your hypnotist you will quickly and easily make the changes you desire.
After your session, for additional support and guidance, your hypnotherapist will email to you positive affirmations, supportive self hypnosis audios and some of Jeffrey Rose’s own published health articles. In addition, as an integral supplement to your hypnosis session, Jeffrey Rose, Elena Mosaner and our staff will be available by phone after your session, if there are any further issues you wish to discuss.